
Twilight clip one 


0 -51 Seconds 

Shot used: close up extreme close up and over the shoulder shot 

The meanings of these shots is to see the reaction of the people during the conversation, the meanings conveyed for these shots is for the viewer to understand the emotions of each character during the conversation.

56 - 3.01 seconds 

Shots used: tracking shot, close up, over the shoulder shot, full body shot, mid body shot, low angle shot 

The meaning of these shots are with the tracking shot you can see exactly where there going and there body language to try and foreshadow about what is about to happen in the next shot, the over the shoulder shot type is used in conversation to track the expression on the character faces and there expressions. the mid body shot is used to see what their body language is as well as their facial expressions. the low angle shot that Bella is in a more powerful position than Jacob and that she is in power over him.

Twilight clip two 


0 - 42 seconds 

Shot types: establishing shot, tracking shot, point of view shot.

The meaning of the establishing shot is to set the scene and to let the audience know where the character are. the tracking shots show the movement of the characters, which also provides information about the characters to the audience. the point of view shot makes the audience feel like there are in the character shoes and feels like there are doing it themselves.

49 - 1.19 seconds

Shot types: close up, low angle shot, high angle shot, zoom in shot 

The meaning of the low angle shot shows Bella is much more powerful than the dear, and the high angle shot on the dear shows that the dear is venerable and could be in danger. the zoom in shot on all the different animals around them connotes what Bella ca hear around here and give the audience knowledge about what she can hear and how well she can hear.

1.30 - 2.23 seconds 

Shot types: establishing shot, wide angle shot, high angles shot, close up shot.

The meaning of the establishing shot is to show where the climber is the wide angle shows the audience what is around, the high angles shot shows that the climber is in a venerable situation and is in danger. the close up shot shows the facial expressions of the characters of what they are feeling.

Explain how representations in music videos are chosen to promote the artist.

the media language shows religion in emily sande music video heaven, it is shown by the camera angle where it shows a high angle shot on emily making her look poweful like a god, it also is shown in the music video by a guy who has a back tatto of angel wings, which therefore makes him look like an angle.

the difference between broadsheet and tabloid newspaper

broadsheet article 

The Wall Street Jornal 

This is about a serious topic that is effecting many people and has become a big deal to may people, It is about how a man was tree months into his new automaker job when UAW's top official, Shawn fain, who came up to the union as an electrician, was prepared to throw it into the trash bin. It was the first strike in 88 years. 

Tabloid article

The Gardian 

This is very light news because it is about Sweden newest national cycle route is perfect for towpath adventure.

The differenc between the two is very clear becasue one is about people striking for what they belive should happen which it has effected many people which is is heavy news, but with the article is soft news as it is about sweedens natinal cycle route which wont effect people in the same way as the artcle from The Wall Street Journal. the other diffence is the pictures they are very diffence because one is about people fighting for what they belive in and what they think should hapen and the other one is the opposite as it is people cycling in the nice countryside.

Criticising the tory's 
schools crumbling and the government is doing nothing to help the schools go back to normal 
left wing 

Criticising conservatives and their priorities.

Several of their news sub-headings are about worldwide crisis's and putting the people first, maintaining this belief throughout.

Left Wing

concerned with public

criticising left wing liberal
 shows the daily mails political bias is right wing 
using the coat of arms logo to signify their patriarchal views 
focused on both celebrity drama and politics 

Explain how the cultural context in how the news is produced influences the content offered to audiences (10 marks) 

Cultural context in the news influences the ways content is offered to audiences such as it could be  offered online or in person. As the world has become more based on going on the internet fro things like news, the way audiences consume news has changed, new generations prefer to use the internet on a daily basis for everything. Newspapers have had to adapt to this change as their circulation figures have dropped as a result of the internet because people might not have to pay to see a story they want to look at.

The Guardian has created a free online model as well as an app which relies on, donations, subscribers and ads to ear the money so they can keep it running . people can still by physical newspapers if they dont want to read it online however the price has gone in the last year due to the inflation problems . 

The Daily Mail has also gone online and created a website called Mail Online which uses big headlines that entice people, and make them want to use it an see what it is.  they receive their most of their  revenue mostly from advertisements which are plastered all over the website in a disorganised way. Their audience are drawn to their website as they focus on sensationalised news stories that normally include some celebrity drama. 


This su

Gender analysis on scenes in Homeland and The Killing.

Gender is shown in Homeland with a patriarchal view, this is because the US was ranked very lowly for gender equality in 2011 when this was filmed.
Carrie is ranked quite highly in her job however in the scene where she walks into a briefing late she is humiliated by her male superior and is stared at by her male dominated office of co-workers. It can show that if it was a man who entered late he would not get the treatement that she was given beacues it a nale dominated industry.
 This shows how women are not treated as equals and the US view women as less than men especially in the workplace as some people believe that a women should stay at home. as compared to denmark where everyone is respected.

The Killing:
Gender in The Killing is shown completely different to Homeland because it was filmed in Denmark, which has totally different views on gender equality. It was ranked very highly in 2007 when it was filmed.
In one of the first scenes Sarah is found on a crime scene which turns out to be a fake one that her co-workers set up for her where she finds out at the end she has a leaving party back at the office. The party is thrown in her favour as she is leaving for Sweden. We can see that her co-workers respect Sarah and think very highly of her, this is represents  how Denmark as a whole country teat gender beacuse they view that everyone is the same.

Homeland representation of patriotism.

The difference in representation between the US and Baghdad is big, Baghdad is shown as less fortunate in terms of money compared to the US, where it cuts to Washington - a middle class city which is also the capital of the US- people are wearing suits and dresses showing them as sophisticated and wealthy, which makes them look 'better' in contrast to Baghdad, this shows that they are much more forntinate then the pople in bagdad as they have very differenent things such as houses and cloths and the cars that are in each city becasue in washinton you can see that they are cars everywhere but in bagdad there are only a few cars from what we can see.

Take notes on representations that are created for ethnicity

in the scene where the washing machine has broken and that they are waiting for the man to fix it beceasue they cant afford to pay somelse or replace it so they make the most out of it you can also tell that they are lower class by looking around the house it is quite run down.


  1. Good -accurate identification of camerawork.
    Try to be specific - if you say a shot is chosen to show an emotion - explain what that emotion is for that scene

  2. Homework, 30/10- Great online work, T: 1,2,3


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