

Twilight clip one 0 -51 Seconds  Shot used: close up extreme close up and over the shoulder shot  The meanings of these shots is to see the reaction of the people during the conversation, the meanings conveyed for these shots is for the viewer to understand the emotions of each character during the conversation. 56 - 3.01 seconds  Shots used: tracking shot, close up, over the shoulder shot, full body shot, mid body shot, low angle shot  The meaning of these shots are with the tracking shot you can see exactly where there going and there body language to try and foreshadow about what is about to happen in the next shot, the over the shoulder shot type is used in conversation to track the expression on the character faces and there expressions. the mid body shot is used to see what their body language is as well as their facial expressions. the low angle shot that Bella is in a more powerful position than Jacob and that she is in power over him. Twilight cl

media theory

Media Theory: stranger things    LO/  To investigate the principles behind theories. To discuss theories. To critically apply theories to texts. Key terms  media language:H ow the media through their forms, codes, conventions and techniques communicate meanings. camera work, editing,sound, mise en scene. media representations:  How the media industries process of production, distribution and circulation affect media forms and platforms. media audiences:  How media forms target, reach and address audiences, how audiences interpret and respond to them and how members of audiences become producers themselves.  media industries:  How the media industies processes of production, distribution and circulation affect media forms and platforms. postmodernism  irony parody or homage bricolage intersexual references fragmented narrative  self reflexivity loss of reality  common themes - what if ? vermilltude (the appearance of being true or real) baudrillard  agued that, as modern societies were