

L/O - To explore the content of unit

Section A focuses on media industries and audiences and require learners to consider 

how and why media products are constructed across different media form to reach and address a number of audiences.

The jungle book (1967)

main Characters

  • mowgli (man cub) 
  • bagheera (panther 
  • shere khan (tiger)
  • baloo (bear)
  • king louis (orangutang)
  • kaa (snake)
  • boy raised by wolves in the jungle 
  • going back to man village because tiger came to town 
  • panther forces to leave 
  • tiger wants to kill man cub
  • boy meet baloo and learns how to be a bear 
  • boy and baloo become good friends 
  • monkey take man cub and take him to king louis 
  • baloo and panther and bear from monkey's
  • baloo tells man cub to leave the jungle as it is unsafe for him
  • man cub meets birds 
  • tiger tries to kill man cub - bear and birds save him
  • bear gets hurt - think hes dead 
  • bear alive and everyone  is happy 
  • boy sees girl in human village 
  • man cub folws girl into village 
  • baer and panther sad 
  • the end 

not inclusive 
returned to own kind 

representation (groups, individuals, places etc)

Ages - this is represented by mowgli and the baby elephant as they are the children in the show because the rest of the characters are all adults.

gender - only 3  females in whole film 2 plays the roles of mothers - not many lines - not seen a lot - other plays the role of suductive young girl.

Ethnicity - shar khan british accent - most disney villains have a british accent  

The jungle book (2016)

Main Characters

  • Mowgli (man cub) 
  • Bagheera (panther 
  • Shere khan (tiger)
  • Baloo (bear)
  • king Louis (orangutang)
  • kaa (snake)
Changes in narrative 
Mowgli stayed in jungle at the end and didn't go in to the man village 
More female characters with speaking and at the end mowgli mother is the leader of the pack and not a male, shows the space of time inbertween the two films as in 1967 men parts in film were more inportent then have women as one of the voice actors, and the women in the 1967 film only had a couple of lines and was a mother, whereas in the 2016 there were more parts with feamle roles.

L/0 - To research the social context

The 60s

  • As time change, so do cultures and their values. what was once acceptable is now no longer tolerated attitudes to ethnicity, gender, smoking, drugs - and what was unacceptable is now widley viewed as normal - divorce, graphic representation of violence etc.
  • The era of the 1960s was one of a world emerging from lengthy post WW2 period of conversation and tradition into a decade that would usher in a vast socio-political revelotion. The evelutions was heralded by a new and vibrant youth culture that moved from a concern with music and fashion of he late fifties and early sixties into a more widely aware generation of political action that used civil unrest to chalenge the old days.
  • The sixties was the age of the flowering of global social activism, with particular emphasis on black civil rights, anti war protests and the second wave of feminism.

key moments between 1960-1967

  • Astronaut Ed White performed the first American spacewalk during the Gemini 4 mission on June 3, 1965.
  • civial rights act july 2 1964 

L/O - To compare the difference audiences fro both JB films and the impact on production.

1960s target audience 

  • 4-12 year old boys and girls
  • widely diverse as it includes both the very young and those nearly teens.
  • Big influence over the parents decisions making and are moth excited about the brand.
  • The secondary target audience  is therefore the parents  (35-55) as they are the money makers and make the disney experience available to their children. much to appeal to them is based on nostalgia.
1660s target market

  • Both the primary and secondary target markets are very trusting of the Disney brand due to its longevity and the association with customer sevice and quality.
  • In 1967, the brand offered a wide array of products, TV shows, movies, theme parks, toys etc. That satisfied both segments needs and desires.
  • Children felt a strong association with the many characters, parents were confident in the wholesome values of the brand in a shifting society context.
  • Disneys own politics were rather conservative, right wing and undoubtedly this affected the representations constructed within the film and the target market. JB seemed to ignore the black civil rights movements of the 1960s, as seen in the equating of black jazz music apish behaviour of the orange-utan, king louis, thereby reinforcing racial stereotypes. JB2016 was keen to avoid this.
How can the values, ideologies and key events of the 1960s be seen in The Jungle Book 19667. what does a lack of some values suggest about Disney and its audiences?

The jungle book portrays many different types of ideologies and values,They can be seen as the ideologies of families in the 1960s is very trading views as the man goes to work and is in charge of the family and women stays at home and does the cooking and cleaning and takes care of their children, this is shown in the jungle book with being represented by the wolves, it is shown by the wolves as raksha looks after the man cub (mogli), 

2016 Target Audience 

  • The 2016 film succeeded in attracting a wide range of age groups - not just the under 12s or traditional family audience - to see the film.
  • The success is largely due to the brand ability to market and distribute the product and to value its audience.
  • The 2016 film reinterpreted the characters and narrative fro a more modern age and the new technology appealed to technophiles everywhere.
  • The more adult themes, the darker atmosphere, the action credentials of the studio and director and the other action conventions followers appealed far more to a predominantly male audience.
  • The subtle hints to the original maintained the sense of nostalgia and humor for older generations.

  • Moreover Disney adapted to the online age with the use of social networking to promote the film triggering even more audience engangement and interaction with its marketing strategies. this reflects the modern age of film making which is dominated by CGI and visual effects technology.
  • This efective utilisation of the companys massive resources and power created an immersive viral campaign that was consumerble by all age ranges when allied with traditional marketing stratergies.
  • The JB2016 made over 966 milion dollars globally, it won the acardemy award fro best visual efects. It enjoyed unrivalled success globally. Disney succesfuly created a fan culture fro a movie, fro a whole new audience, all over again.

Key events in US during 2014-2016 
  • Trump 
  • Brexit
  • S yrian boat refugees
  • The Ferguson riots of 2014

L/O - To explore the contexts of Disney in the 1960s

The big six of the film industry
  • Sony
  • Paramount
  • Warner bros 
  • Disney
  • Unerversual
  • 20th Century Fox


  • Despite being over 50 years old, the film grossed over 100 billion dollars to date. it cost $4 million to make.
  • It was made by disney studios under Walt Disney productions - a Hollywood production company specialising in animate films.
  • Disneys animation studio had been responsible for developing many of the techniques and ways of working that became standard practises of traditional cel animation, pioneering that art of storyboarding and developing the use of the multiple to create an early 3D like effect.
  • The production of the film involved specialised techniques that are still part of Disney's brand identity today.

Walt Disney Studios

  • During its history,WDS has been considered the best animation company in film production and, due to its succes, has been able to buy up other media companies specially known for their animations, CGI techniques it developed had become industry standard practises by the 1960s
  • Its specialised animation processes involve highly creative film makers using labour-intensive techniques from concept to product.The JB 1967 is a prime example of such high-cost and top quality animation.

historical context

  • The film is important to the studios history - its a landmark film that is amongst the best ever writen for Disney and includes two Oscar-nominated songs.
  • The original soundtrack was the first to achieve gold disc status in the US fro an animated feature film.
  • The film credits a notable cast and production team that had been in place and worked together for a number of years.

Economic contexts

  • when is was released, The Disney Corporation was already diversifying into theme parks, television series and merchandising deals through its distribution arm, Buena Vista.
  • These could be a reaction to the 1950s baby boom and the fall in cinema ticket sales in the 60s, due to the increasing compassion from TV. The younger generation were increasingly turning towards the new trends in music and fashion.
  • The film was re-released in October and grossed $24 million, demonstrating how spectacular Disney could generate revenue worldwide by selling a truly american brand.
  • It was the fourth highest grossing movie of 1967
  • It was re-released in cinemas in the US in 1978, 1984 and 1990 ( Disney refused to sell TV rights to their films mainting the clasic nature of their products.
  • It had many European screening throughout the 1980s
  • It has been released a number of time to home entertainment markets.

  • walt was very involved in the making the jungle book
  • didn't like how violent and graphic it was and changed to make it more family friendly 
  • team of 9 to make the jungle book
  • used actors instead of voice actors recognisable voices - used celebrities voices 
  • characters shaped around the voices 
  • they keep things that will date the film such as the music that they would choose 
  • when walt died the animated had to do it with out him and the end of the film where baloo and bagera walk into the sun set, shows that ' life goes on' to represent walt end of his carrer.
what were the differences between how Disney operated as a film studio and how other studios operated at that time?
  • they had a very small team to work on the film compared to some studios who have 40 people working on one film, whereas there were only 9 pople on the making of the jungle book.

Disney became and stayed one of the big five is by buying some of the biggest movie brands such as pixar and marvel to produce on there own streaming service called disney plus which was realed to the public in 2019  

L/O - To explain the process of making a film and changes within the film industry.

What was the process of making films?

the prosees was to film in on film then they would have to physically cut it and stick it back together if they wanted to 

How has it changed in the past 20yrs?

  • It has changed because technology keeps progressing, as it used to be on film and would have to be done by hand with the edits but now you can do it on the computer and send it directly to who ever you want but they had to send film with transport as they coundt do it digitally.

What impact has digitisation had on the industry?

Whats the future of filmmaking?

easy to get to remote locations and wird locations when it wasn't film as they would have carry big rolls of film.   

Explain how the production and distribution of major Hollywood films have changed since the 1960s.Refer to the two versions of The Jungle Book to support your answer.

The producing has changed since the 1960s, for example with marketing for the jungle book (1960s) there was a lot a less range with how they could market the films now such as in the 1960s they would put posters out and have the trailers in the cinemas for people to watch and they might have product promoting the new film but then only a few people would see that because it would only be available to a few people who visited Disney land. Compared to now they post trailer and teasers on social media such as YouTube and Instagram they also put cinematic shots from movies that they want to advertise in TV adverts between shows.

L/0 - To explore the marketing techniques used in 2016

Distribution Agreements

Film distributors are involved  with film before productions, advising on its marketability. 

A distribution agreement will also cover:

  • The promotion in all media before and after the release.
  • Different cuts necessary for different cultures or territories.
  • How the income for the realise will be apportioned.
  • How far the distribution licence extents into other markets such as TV and home entertainment.
the objective is to create visibility for and individual film and engage the audiences interest.
Because of the proliferation of films, interest needs to be buil to a peace just before the film opens at cinemas.
Early realise windows can create issues with substiualibility but then benefit  from the buzz it creates. This is why theatrical. releases are now less profitable than subsequent release formats - this was not the case with The Jungle Book 2016.


What are the most effective methods of film promotion?
  • Word of mouth (people talking about it )
  • Posters 
  • Trailers
  • Social Media 

What did Disney do to promote and advertise the realise of the jungle book 2016?

  • Posters 
  • They sold merchandise in shops in highstreets nd online.
  • trailer 
  • posted teasers on social media platforms 
  • disney theme parks would have merchandise in the shop as well as 
  • Mr. Favreau bounded onto a 7,800-seat arena at a Disney fan convention in Anaheim, Calif., and showed sneak-peek footage from his film. He hobnobbed with three “Jungle Book” stars on stage, including Neel sethi, who plays the man-cub Mowgli. Thousands of movie posters were handed out.
  • vr reality
  • disney uploaded an interactive poster on snapchat and users could apply a framed jungle book lens, which turned their faces into the snakes, Kaa.
  • relesed tralier in the middle of the superbowl.

The way marketing team used CGI to help promote the movie and their examples of key protion piont.

  • The Jungle Book,” the live-action film by Jon Favreau obliterated expectations with its massive $103.6 opening weekend. These powerful results make this our IMC Campaign of the Month.
  • An extended 3D trailer for the jungle book was played during the showing of Star Wars:            The force awakens, of which the majority of the audience was male. Disney also rolled out an action packed trailer during the Super Bowl.

L/O - To refine exam analysis and structure.

in the 1960s film had to depend on conevential marketing such as posters and trailers in cinemas, however now technology has rapidly increased meaning that they can show it to a much wider demographics of people. as they can post trailers on line and teasers.

Conversion advertising included:

  • Posters
  • Print Media: reviews, interviews, posters etc.
  • Trailers maily in cinemas
  • Merchandise in theme parks like Disney land. 

L/O - To explore Minecraft and the history of gaming 

Sandbox - A sandbox game is a video game with a gameplay element that provides players a great degree of creativity to interact with, usually without any predetermined goal, or alternatively with a goal that the players set for themselves.

Open-source software - Code that is designed to be publicly accessible.

BETA version - part of a video game is pre-released to a set group of users, either employees who work for the company or the general public.

Franchise - the whole general idea of a video game including a general setting and genre.

Intellectual property rights - Intellectual property rights (IPR) refers to the legal rights given to the inventor or creator to protect his invention or creation for a certain period of time.

What does the cover of Minecraft show?

  • Its target audience is mostly aimed at kids, bright colour palette 
  • Its a building game sugested by the pick axe.
  • Survival type game, Suggested by the zombie 
  • target audience is male surgetsted by the colours, blues and green stereotypically male colours, and the main character is male.

how has gaming changed 1970-2023

It has changed by when technology develops gaming increases with better quality games and consols. it has also changed with the amount of different games you can play with better graphics, it has also changed because you dont just has to have to plug a consol into a TV you can play on your phone or a portable consol

What are the different types of games you can get and how do they differ?
  • racing games
  • survial games
  • fighting games
  • puzzle games
  • sport games 
  • multiplayer games 

What are the main games Companies ( consoles and game producers)
  • Xbox - microsoft
  • playstation - sony 
  • nintendo
  • Epic games 
  • Gameloft

Audience demographics
  • 18 - 34


when was it reassessed, who designed it and which company produced it.
  • It was realsed in 2009
  • Markus Persson/Jens Bergensten
  • Produced by mojang studios
  • Genre sandbox

L/O - Understand the production context of Minecraft.

The videogames industry had become dominated by the Publisher-conglomerate system.
  • Developers pitch an idea, or Alpha version of a game to a publisher, who may fund its production.
  • Often, successful developers can be bought outright by a publisher conglomerates, who won numerous studieos and publishing companies, generating huge profits.
  • publishers takes responsibility for marketing, selling and distribution the game, but take a massive cut of the profit.
  • Because they generate such huge profits, the games they make tend to be spectacular AAA titles, which cost millions to develop and market, with the goal of generating even greater profits.

Curran and seaton 

  • Decisions made by the media are about money and power
  • The media is now dominated by conglomerates who make media that is likely to make profit rather than artistic results- this is called media saturation.
  • This means that creativity in mainstream media is often stunned 
  • Other forms of media ownership will  often produce more dynamic media texts.

what are the adventages and disadvantages of selling out to a publisher?

  • Global exposure from publisher-led marketing 
  • Finacial backing 
  • QA testing 

  • Loss of creative freedom 
  • Loss of profit 
  • Loss of connection with your audience.

L/O - To explore the initial development and features of the game.

Explain how the production and initial development of minecraf is an example of a concept developed amoung a game community independently of the video game industry.

L/O - To explore the distribution and takeover of Minecraft.

The development of minecraf in 2011 occurred at a time when gaining went online and was characterised by multi gaming platforms. This was in part a responce to gaming not just for consoles - but on any device.

This opened up the opportunities for games distributors to connect to wider non traditinal gamers to gam on media devices like phones and tablets. As well as this, digital distribution allowed easy acces to global markets person and sony took full advantage of this.

why did microsoft buy Minecraft?
  • By purchasing Mojang, Microsoft has access to a huge number of potential new customers to whom to sell its products

how much was it bought for?
  • 2.5 billion in 2014

How has the game changed since corporate ownership?

Minecraft merch 

Fast company Microsoft Minecraft

How did the fans of Minecraft react when Microsoft took over in 2014

what is a fandom?

It is a term which describes communities built around a shared enjoyment of an aspect of a popular culture such as books. TV shows, bands or sports teams.

What is a prosumer?
 producers and creators of some form of creative media.

what is spreadable media? 
active nature of audiences involute rather than in happening by itself (viral)

what is partricipatory?

Minecraft YouTubers 

Mod communities 

A server 

With detailed reference to Jenkins theory and real examples, explain how the audience contributed to the success of Minecraft.

The fans impacted the success of Minecraft a lot because the more and more they would play they would talk about to other people and spread the word to lots more people, and the you tubers who would post videos on Minecraft and playing it, millions of people would see it and then be interested in the game and would want to play it, because of this they didn't have to spend thousands or even millions on a marketing campaign to get out into the world because the fans of Minecraft did it for them.

How did Minecraft impact on education 

When playing Minecraft, children develop complex shapes, tackle geometric problems, and manipulate blocks. All of these are key mathematical concepts that will form part of your child's curriculum.

How was Minecraft used to penetrate VR?
VR support is actually built into the Bedrock Edition. Enabling VR in Minecraft Bedrock Edition depends on where you've purchased Minecraft. If you've purchased Minecraft from the official Oculus Store, Minecraft will natively show up as a VR title in your library. You don't need to do anything further, just launch it.

L/O - To explore the marketing of Minecraft.

Explain how mojang originally, with no budget, only 5 worlds as a single player game effectively marketed the game.

Did this by word of mouth it went so viral because they can comment on the game about what could change or what could be added and they would get listened to about the new things added during an update. They would also release it on Xbox 360 and on android and iOS so more people could play the game. It was spread by the fandom by it spreading across the internet with big streamers and you tubers posing content where then it would be watched by millions of people, Which then spread it to a much wider audience, and that all the updates would be free so once you bought the game you wouldn't have to put any more money into it.

social media: YouTube and Wiki

How has Minecraft exploited YouTube and Wiki to promote its products.

  • Minecraft encouraged popular YouTubers to create "Let's Play" videos showcasing gameplay, building projects, and tutorials.
  • The official Minecraft YouTube channel regularly releases trailers, teasers, and developer diaries to keep the community engaged and informed about updates, expansions, and new releases.
  • Minecraft actively promotes community-created content on YouTube, featuring impressive builds, mods, and mini-games.
  • Minecraft Wiki serves as a comprehensive resource for players, providing information on crafting recipes, game mechanics, and updates. Minecraft has leveraged this platform by ensuring accurate and up-to-date information, collaborating with editors to provide official statements, and using the Wiki as a reference in official communications.
  • Minecraft has collaborated with prominent YouTubers and content creators on sponsored videos, challenges, and events.
To what extent has the proliferation and convergent nature of technology impacted the video games industry?

Technology has impacted the video games industry has many people can play it mostly everywhere and they with technology being updated every year it has better quality and more aces and as more games come out on different platforms. 

L/O - To explore audience appeal and demographic.

Explain how video games target and maintain a range of audiences?

Video manufactures target and maintain a range of audiences using a variety of methods such as, keeping the game up to date and giving it different things once in a while this might be a new skins or new modes of the games.

Minecraft uses a range of game appeals such as people can built what they want and explore around the map collecting things, they can built as little or as much as they want and in as much detail they want, as the older target audience might want to challenge themselfs to see what they can built and how big they can go.

They maintain there audience by interacting with the audience itself at events where fans can go and see the inventors of Minecraft or learn more about the game, they also get recommendations from the audience about what could change about the game or what should go into the game to make it more enjoyable for a wider audience.

Technology has helped Minecraft keep such a large target audience because people dont just have to play it on a PC but can play it on every other game consol that is out and on mobile, this means that more people can play the game because it has such a large platfrom of where people can play it from.

Minecraft has also kept such a big target audience with its marketing to get people involved in the game as there are movies and book and magazines so that even if people cant play the game they still feel involved as they can watch it being played by YouTubers who would post about the game how they are liking and why it is a good game to play, so it makes people still involved with Minecraft even if they cannot play  themselves. 

L/O - T o review key areas and exam style questions.

Whats the USP ( unique selling piont)

In minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terran, and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures or earthworks. depending on game mode, players can fight computer controlled mobs. as well as cooperate with or compete against other players in the same world. game modes include a survival mode, in which players much aquire resourses to build the world and maintain health, and a creative mode, where players have unlimited resourses and access to flight. players can modify the game to create new gameplay mechanics, items, and assets.

Indepenant production 
  • Traditionally, video games made by teams of developers for a production company. Maekus person is an example of independent designer developing a game outside of mainstream media.
  • He enabled the development within the game from a 1st person perspective in a creative and imaginary way.
  • He wanted the game kept for the gamers and resisted takeovers. Highly unusual as most games are massively collabortive.

In terms of develpment of gaming, need to be aware of some milestones:
  • Develpments of consoles
  • Wii console first to develop user controlled play
  • Rise of cloud computing and online/mobile games
  • Impact of smart phones and mobile gaming
Use of user generated, online marketing is an example of the power of collaboration. Perssons concept is an example of a media concept that developoed amoung a game community indepently of the video game industry.


When the game was officialy realesed across multiple platforms, it became a franchise. struct a deal with sony to realese it on sony xperia play, then avalible for android and IOS. key features to its succes

Comercial deal with sony was significant
  • Multiple platform realease increased audience interactivity.
  • Packaged as a brand for wider global audience, not just gamers.
The games early community provided the intitial grownth and doption through the power of colaaberation and connecting with others - filtering content and shaping the games development

make sure you are awre of the ways microsoft market and synergise the brand:
  • Website
  • Minecraft realms
  • Social media feeds
  • Marketplce 
  • YouTube
  • Minecraft wiki
  • Fan sites and forums
  • Minecraft for education


Game exploited media convergence witch enabled digital distribution and global access to markets.
Minecraft developed at a time when gaming wnet online- mot just for consoles.
opportunities for ditributers to connect to a wider non traditional gamers with phones and other mobile devices

Microsoft takeover enabled game to extend its reach through offline merchandise and diversification.

You should be able to clearly state the key audience demographic:
  • 12-30
  • Europe and north America
  • Mainly male
Make sure you are aware of the audience appeals and the ways fans interact with the brand:
  • Game mods 
  • Mineraft wiki
  • fan sites and forums
  • multiple game play modes
  • Minecraft realms


L/O - To review social and economic context.

Evaluate how ongoing audience interaction influences the production of video games. Refer to Minecraft in your answer.

  • Minecraft released a beta version to the audience, and gave them opportunities to improve the game themselves.
  • Set up fan events for the audience to interact with the creators 
  • marketplace 
  • YouTubers and social media platforms allowing the audience to collaborate.

Explain the impact of digitally convergent media platforms on video game production, distribution and consumption. Refer to Minecraft to support your answer.
  • Expanded on where people can play the game such on Xbox and IOS not just on PC.
  • Allows more people to play if they dont have a PC or console 

Explain how producers target, reach and engage audiences for video games through content and marketing. Refer to Minecraft to surport your answer.
  • How Minecraft is different to other games.
  • it was aimed at all ages as there was not much much violence as it was a highlighting  social fears about addiction, violence, isolation etc.


L/O - To research the background and industry behind the BBC 1 show.

What is public service broadcasting and what does this mean for the BBC?
entertain to the public without trying to make a profit

How is the BBC funded?
through a television licence fee

How many radio stations does the BBC have and how to they differ?

What are the BBC's mission, values and public purposes?
To provide impartial public service broadcasting in the UK, Channel islands and Isle of Man.
  • AUDIENCES are at the heart of everything we do
  • CREATIVITY is the lifeblood of our organisation
  • TRUST is the foundation of the BBC - we’re independent, impartial and truthful
  • We RESPECT each other - we’re kind, and we champion inclusivity
  • We are ACCOUNTABLE and deliver work of the highest quality
  • We are ONE BBC - we collaborate, learn and grow together

What are the main differences between comercial and non-comercial radio?

Commercial radio are ads are centered around to make money.
Non - commercial dont focus on making money and dont accept on air ads. 

L/O - To research the background and industry behind the BBC Radio 1 Show.

  • The BBC, ITV, C4 and C5 are public service broadcasters
  • The BBC still broadcasts under Retina PSB principles, to inform educate and entertain Retina ideologies link to social integration/empowerment
Reithian values:
  • A way of educating the masses
  • The BBC must be funded by a public licence fee
  • It must always be approachable and accountable
  • High quality broadcasting but with a background of tradition.

  • Broadcasters are approachable and accountable e.g. to OFcom - increasing questions of the BBCs fitness and suitability.
  • High quality broadcasting provision for public, not commercial benefit but with a background of tradition.
  • The BBC has a 100% PSB remit - achieves this becasuse its revenue from the licence fee each year is approx. £3.7 billion; £159 x 25 million TV licences sold each year as publicly funded.
  • The BBC is publicly owned and funded by the lience fee
  • It has a remit to inform, educate and entertain
  • BBC Radio 1 has a specific remit to entertain and engage a broad of range of young listeners.
  • The licence fee pays BBC  products like the breakfast show but t is expected there is significant return.
  • BBC remit that is the Radio 1 Breakfast show should entertain and engage a broad range of young listeners with a distinctive mix of contemporary music and speech. 
What does all this funding mean for producting
  • Point - losses can be sustained by the BBC like the significant decline in listeners of the Breakfast Show.
  • Decline in quality is something different however that affects the brand and the reputation of BBC as institution hence Grimshaw james switch 
  • Niche programs can be broadcast on the back of the success of more mainstream products like the Breakfast show and Drive time.
  • Increasing fragmentation through digitisation however like most media will ultimately lead to further change.

L/O - To explore industry and contextual areas.

Populism - is a stance where political figures position themselves as the voice of the people.

1. To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.
news aired every half an hour, more important news shown at peak listening time, includes all types of news, celebrity, sport, serious news.

2. To support learning for people of all ages.

3. To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services.
went to dua lipas school shows they higher quality.

4. To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdoms nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom.

5. To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world.

L/O - Understand the key components of a 15 mark essay and to successfully structure a response.

Explain how popular music radio programes target, reach and maintain a variety of audiences.

audience age 15-29 target audience 
how they maintain a variety audience how do they get people of all ages to listen.

how does the new junglle book appeal 

the cgi that looks so real 
disney itself 
much darker 
more indeph storyline


    Good notes - detailed and with examples. Make sure you know about specific examples for Production, Distribution, Marketing & exhibition for both movies

    Good notes again. But there seem to be some gaps - check against my blog. Make sure that you understand the main differences between the production of Minecraft and how a typical game would be produced and distributed.

    Good notes - put a photo of your episode notes on here too. Make sure you understand the industry e.g PSB V Commercial and the differences.


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