TV Drama



L/O - To explore the content of the unit.

section B of evolving media (paper 2) looks at the long form of TV drama

it is 60% of the paper and so is worth more marks than media language and representation unit.

have to compare two TV dramas: one US drama and one European drama.

  • Media language: how TV drama communicates meaning through codes and convention and technical and narrative work.
  • Representations: how events, issues, individuals and social groups are portrayed in TV drama.
  • Industry: how the TV industry processes of production, distribution and circulation work.
  • Audiences: how TV drama target, reach and adress audiences and how audiences interpet and respond to them.
  • Context: the economic, social and cultural contexts surrounding specific TV dramas.

Defining the genre:

  • Long form of TV drama is normally characterised by in-depth, lengthy narratives.
  • The story unfolds over approximately 10 episodes, allowing for plot and character development.
  • Central characters whose motives develop with them.
  • Amain storyline with interwoven subplots
  • A combination of complex characters that are ambiguous or enigmatic, creating tension and question for the audience.

Central characters:

  • Blonde women, John snow

Main storyline: 

  • Realm
  • living versus dead
  • power struggle 


  • Battle
  • watch


  • Ice man 
  • Young girl

Teen wolf 

Central Character: 

  • scott mcall - the main character in the series, looks out for people and does what best.
  •  stiles - the side main character, he is the problem solver
  • Alison - the other side character is strong and followers her family in their business 
  • lydia - the other side character, she is smart and can solve problems.

Main Storyline: 

  • fight, the fight between wolf and man and keeping it a secret from the rest the town


  • forming - making friends and a pack  who can trust 
  • surviving - not geting killed 


  • agent - the main hunter
  • sherif - the sherif of the town 

Which TV network developed the show and which corporation are they subsidiary of?

  • Fox 21 television studios.

Which studio produced the series?

  • Fox 21 television studios.

What award did the first season win?

  • golden globe award for best television series 

What genre is it?

  • mystery
  • suspense
  • thriller
  • spy fiction

What kind of global events prior to this impacted its development, October 2011? 

  • 9/11 attack in NewYork on the twin towers. 

How was episode 1 , piolet , released differently to normal in the US? how many viewers did it have in the US and then in UK?

L/O - To explore the narrative, theme and characters in set episode.


Main narrative quest/conflict set up:

How is the main character introduce and whats set up the initial conflict/problem that will drive the rest of the seres.

Enigma codes:

What questions are created that the audience will want to discover the answers to and will have to keep watching to find out.

brodys flashbacks 

Individual character narrative:

How are these set up/introduced and what they are.


  • Brody - returning hero/terrorist- family man, solidier, white, male,middle class, heterosexual.
  • Mike - best friend of brody/love interest of jess, traditional representation, beer/football games,helped jess around the house 
  • Jess - brodys wife/mikes love interset,mum,housewife, attractive, sexual objects, 
  • Carrie - protagonist, CIA agent, Female, strong career, disliked, confrontational,driven and focused, lacks compassion, hyper fixated on doing the right thing, mental health issues, sexual role, predator
  • Saul  - her mentor, her confident(Carrie). reliable, sensible, in control, only one with faith in carrie.
  • David - Boss deputy director of the CIA, criticises carrie a lot, relationship with her, political in his moves.

Narrative and sub plots

  • Brody - terrorist,possible attack carrie fighting to prevent the attack and reveal to brody as a terrorist.
  • Jess and mikes affair
  • Carries mental health
  • Dana and Chris kids, rebellious narrative, stereotype, 
  • Jess and brody - relationship breakdown.

Enigma codes 

  • Why did brody kill tom walker?
  • Why was he lying about it?
  • Why was he focused on the Whitehouse?
  • Why was he lying about absu-nasir?
  • Why did he lie to his wife?
  • What was the attack ?
  • Will carrie find him out ?
  • Will carrie go to prison?

Narratology - Todorov


Narratology is the study of narrative, in this case, of narrative structure, how parts fit together to make a whole.

All narratives can be seen as move from one state of equilibrium to another,new equilibrium.the disruption to equilibrium is what drives the narrative towards a new equilibrium.

The movement from the initial equilibrium to the new equilibrium entails a transformation (e.g. the hero expresses their heroism and defeats the villain) this transformation expresses what the narrative values.

Equilibrium - working at the CIA no threat to security - power with the east as US dont suspect.carrie is unstable, not trustworthy character.

Disruption - brodys release/discovery initiates the suspicion in carrie.positions carrie as superior as she is the only one who suspects and is aware of the threat.

Recognition of disruption - confides in Saul - positions men as higher in power to women 

Attempt to resolve - spies on him illegally - positions her as unstable, crazy, not trusted, not reliable.

Todorov theory is sufficiently simple to be widely applicable, meaning that it is possible to identify key elements - equilibrium and disruption - and disruption - in long form of television drama.

his theory is very useful in teasing out the message and values underlying a narrative, in pointing to the significance of the transformation between the initial equilibrium and the new equilibrium.

Genre Theory Neale

  • Genre theory is about what genres are, and about how and why they were created, change endure or decline.
  • He agures that genre is process by which generic codes and convenions are shared by producers and audiences through repetion is media products.
  • This means that genre are not fixed,but constantly evolve with each new addition to the generic codes ( the body of products in a genre), often playing with genre codes and conventions or becoming hybrids with other genres.
  • Generic codes and conventions are not just established in media products but in products that refer to these products such as critical writings or advertising and marketing material, what he referred to as the intertextual relay.


  • Was developed primarily to explain film genre, but can be applied to LFTVD as this is the most filmic form of television output, requiring as intertextual relay of pre-publicity and reviews to generate the large audiences required
  • Draws attention to process of difference within repetion and hybridity in LFTVD.
  • The theory of shared code can be applied to the long form television drama itself as a form - early versions of the form such as Twin Peaks established audiences ecpectaions of twisting and enigmatic narratives that have been developed through each addition to the generic copus - despite the fact that these dramas range across various different genres.
homeland industries and contexts
L/O - To explore the production, social and political context of set products.

  • historical: how LFTVD are influenced through historical contexts through intertextural references.society influences and significant social historical events such as 9/11. reflects a period of when the us reared terrosim and national security was a priority
  • Economic: How LFTVD reflects their economic contexts through production, financial and technical opportunities and constraints. budget size, comercial vs public service, marketing distribution and use of stars in production. ownership and budgets.
  • political:how LFTVD  can facilitate political deveoloment through media language and messages created for events or issues. political perspective in homeland is that of the US and biased, representations of national identity vs global perspective. ideology constructed in LFTVD of different values.
  • Social: how the audiences consume and interrupt the LFTVD. how does homeland influence the views of society on politics, gender and crime. demographics of combustion, intertextuality of texts, hybrid genres,multiply narratives, creation of meaning via media language. Reinforces social institutions such as family, comity, society and culture.homeland reinforces these as important through the fighting to save them for US.
  • Cultural: How LFTVD  affects audiences consumption of cultural values.which cultural values are evident in homeland? Nationalism, patriarchy, family.cultural identities that are found for groups of people, religion, gender,race,age, national the audience are positioned to receive and interpret the representations.
  • The seires was developed by SHOWTIME- a cable and satellite TV network. subsidiary of CSB corporation.they are known for high quality film and TV programming.
  • It was produced by fox 21 TV studios
  • Season 1 won the 2011 golden globe award for best TV drama series - showing the critical acclaim the show received.
Industry context:
  • TV VIDEO ON DEMAND (VOD) systems can either stream content through a set top box, allowing viewing in real time,or download it to a device such as a computer.
  • showtime, as a cable TV - based television provider offers both VOD streaming and free content.
  • homeland is a great example of how successful cable TV show has been distributed as VOD using digitally convergent devices, and it illustrates how the internet provides a wider and global reach to online audiences.  



L/O - To explore the narrative and characterisation in set products.

Carrie Mathieson

  • The lead protagonist in homeland is carrie, a CIA agent. our first encounter with her shows her in the field in baghdad.
  • Carrie is presented in an active and dynamic way, arguing with authority figue and attempting to persuade a prisoner to pass on information. 
  • She could be descpided as,
  • Fearless - draged by the guards clinging on to retrive the answers.
  • Determined - pays money to go into the prison - close up on the money paid to get into the prison.
  • Will go to any lengths for the truth.
  • Reckless - going into the prison
  • Dedicated - personative nature of the conversation with the prisoner - 
  • Powerful - residing the guard in the prison - 
  • demanding - Shouting over the phone at her boss - editing
  • manuliputision - talks to the prisoner, bargaining with the prisoner about his family.

Mise en scene - sets up the post 9/11 fear in opening via the over the shoulder from the prisoner with the noose and gallows being set up for the hanging of the prisoner, barbaric savage nature of the culture and positions the east against the cilvisised west. editing further reinforces this - go from run down baghdad to glitzy Washington.

The representations of carrie are that she is fearless because she is still trying to get answers when the guards are dragging her out but she is persistent and still trying to get the information out of her, the close up shows her emotions and how she is not scared by the guards but determined to get it out of him.  She is shows as determined by paying money to get into the prison, and there is also a close up on her paying the money to get into the prison this shows determination because she will go to all sorts of lengths to get the truth and what she wants.

van zoonen: feminist theory  

  • Ideas of feminity and masculinity are constructed in our performance of these roles.
  • Gender is what we do rather than who we are and changes meaning depending on cultural and historical contexts.
  • The concept of patriarchy may be applied to the ownership and control of television, the recruitment and ethos of television professionals and the representation of gender.
  • The concept of patriarchy may be applied to the ownership and control of television, the recruitment and ethos of television professionals and representation of gender.
  • Carrie although strong and in a masculine role of leadership, has several flaws that make her unstable as a leader and strong woman, thus showing the power of patriarchy reinforcing subtly the inferior of women to men in positions of power.

The representing of carrie are that she is manultive this is shown when she is talking to the prisoner and bargaining with his family depending on if he gives her the information that she wants. and that she is still is trying to get information out of him when she is being being dragged out by the guards and she promises his families safety, she is shown to be manultive by the close up being used when she is talking to him and that she does not care about anything but the answers that she came to get and will do anything to get the truth. she is also very demanding because she is shouting over the phone with her boss and demanding that he helps her in the situation that she put herself in. the editing between the two shot when they are on the phone when he is in a fancy meeting place where it is calm and that she is in the opposite because where she is its loud, busy, and unorganised.

Tuesday 17th January

Brody Analysis

al, not caring about his experiences but care that he is a hero
The soldier on the phone seems empathetic about how much Brody has been through

How reunion is represented
Family look apprehensive, Brody looks guilty and unsure what to do, doesn't know how to act, while the wife runs over first and hugs him like traditional female, followed by the daughter who seems loving and caring. Son introduced to him with reverse shot of their first meeting, the lack of emotion and love, linking to impact of war.
Son seemed scared to meet him seeing as he couldn't remember his father
Brody looks overwhelmed not liking the cameras and massive crowds, distanced
Death of him mother, he doesn't react, showing us that his reaction  to war has been desensitised
Brief fake smile shows his lack of emotion and how uncomfortable he feels in this situation, showing impact of war but also showing what sort of a character he will be

Brody Sickness
Steadicam footage reveals the unstable emotional state he is in. Close up on face, camera flash, PTSD, emotional in reunion speech ,face is back to cultural norm- clean shaven, no marks on his skin, damage is hidden from war but is later revealed.

L/O - To reflect on and improve analysis.

Gender - 
  • Female is capable of brilliance.
  • Always intelegent and capable but not listed to and supported.
  • Carrie was always capable but rejected because she was female and unreliable.
  • man in charge - humiliates carrie for being late.
  • when she questions him about thomas walker - his responce is offhand, he dismises her.
  • Saul supposed to be mentor/friend - doesn't believe her or surport her she is left pleading.
Bandura: media affects

  • 1 - The media influence people directly
  • 2 - The media can influence directly or indirectly through related platforms such as social media so we can become influenced by the media without being exposed to them.
Bandura believes that the media can have direct influence on the values and behaviour of audience members.The media can also have indirect influence through social networks.
He argues  that audiences may imitate behaviours they see represented in the media.
Media represented can directly and indirectly influence audience values and behaviours.

The media can influence people directly - human values, judgement and conduct can be altered directly by media modelling. Empirical evidence best supports direct influence rather than the alternative models of media effects: two-step flow, agender-setting, no effects, or the media reflecting existing attitudes and behaviour.
Media representations of aggressive or violent behaviour can lead to imitation.
The media may influence directly or by social networks, so people can be influenced by media messages without being exposed to them.
Different media have different effects.The new media offer opportunities for directness.

Cuuren and Seaton: power and media industries.
media ownership is the most significant factor in the way media industries work.
The concentration of media ownership means the media industry is dominated by a small number of conglomerates, which limits the viewpoints represented.
despite the development of online media the established major media organisstions continue to be dominant.

  1. patens in ownership and controll are important in how the media functions.
  2. Media industries are capitalist and aim to increase concentration of ownership; leads to narrowing of opinions represented, affection plurality.
  3. owners pursue profit at the expense of quality or creativity.

The issue of ownership and control, the working practices of creators and the risk and profitability vs critical appeal in TV drama depending who is funding the production.
There is an International dominance of american steaming services Netflix, in distributing many LFTV dramas, this can limit the representations that are created through the ownership and control of the productions. Homeland is a show time production, sold to channel 4 and then Netflix.

Hesmondhalgh: cultural industries.

  1. Cultural industries follow a capitalist patten of increasing concentration and integration so production is owned and controlled by a few conglomerates.
  2. Risk is seen in terms of loss of money. risk is high because productions costs are high.
Similarity to Curran and Seaton, Hesmondhalgh sees media industries as being dominated by a small number of conglomerates. The high production costs and ease of reproduction and sharing of media products means media industries use a number of methods to reduce risk. These include vertical integration, and the reliance on established genres,stars and narratives.

  • Draws attention to the ownership and control purposes, such as american comercial - Homeland, compared to the European public service ethos.
  • In homeland the risk via formatting and the star system and co-production deals for the smaller European broadcasters.
  • Homeland we see famous actors alongside genre of crime/conspiracy that is successful in america.We do not see this in the killing as there is not a high budget.However, In prioritising the effects of ownership and control on the content of television this theory may not aid in understanding how ideologies, audiences choice or media language conventions may determine media content.

Livingstone and Lunt: regulation.
  1. consumers are individuals who seek private benefits from media and require regulation to protect them.Citizens are social, seek public or social benefits from the media and require regulation to promote public interest.
Livingstone and Lunt studied four case studies of work of OFcom. OFcom is serving an audience who may be seen as consumers and/or citizens, with consequences for regulation: consumers have wants, are individuals, seek private benefits from the media, use the language of choice, and require regulation to protect to protect against detriment; citizens have needs, are social, seek public or social benefits from the media, use the language of rights, and require regulation to promote the public interest.
Traditional regulation is being put at risk by: increasingly globalised media industries, the rise of the digital media, and media coveragence.
 L/O: To explore the representation and theory in set products.

carries mental health,
  • Carries mental illness - her bi-polar, makes her amazing at investigating. she obsesses over details so much that she gets to the heart of matter every time.she knows before everyone else does.
  • This was a growing trend in drams - using mental health as a link to investigate brilliance(BBCs Sherlock and CBSs) 
  • Caries illness manifests itself in obsessive attention to detail, inappropriate sexual relationships and frequent hysterical outbursts.
  • Mise-en-scene: Extremely wide open eyes, quivering lip, screwed up face and ranking her hand through her hair to express her frustration with her inability to fully protect the US homeland.
  • Carrie represents familiar construction of a professional woman whose personal trauma underpins her role as a truth seeker and law enforcer.
  • The audience understand relatively early that carrie is right to be suspicious of brody, but the show withholds diegetic recognition; indeed,her interest in pursuit of brody, which merges personal obsession and professional responsibility, begins to undermine her status as a trustworthy protagonist.
  • Initially, the show uses caries illness to question her reliability- to her family, her profession and even to herself. The combination of being certain and them being proven wrong is what drives carrie to seek electroshock therapy, as the closing sequence of season one 1 ends. but the audience knows she is wrong.

How is mental illness shown in homeland?
it is shown in a very negative way.

  • irony
  • loss of reality
  • self reflexivity 
  • common themes, what if?
  • parody or homage
  • bricolage

  • Postmondenism is the idea that society has moved beyond modernism - either modernism in art and culture (early 20th century) or modernism in the sense of a belief in progress, which dates back much further.
  • Baudrillard argued that, as moden societies were organised around production of goods, postmoden society is organised around simulation - the play of images and signs.
  • Previously important social distinctions suffer implosion as differences of gender, class, politics and culture dissolve in a world of simulation in which individuals construct their identities.
  • The new world of hyperreality - media simulations, for example, disneyland and amusement parks, malls and consumer fantasy lands - is more real than the real and controls how we think and behave.
Gauntlet and identity 
Media represents portray a wide range of different and contradictory messages about identity, which can be used by audiences to think throug their own identities. identities including gender and sexuality are now seen less fixed than they were in the past. online media allow people to express and explore their identities.

Gauntlet and identity and homeland
  • Homeland offers diverse and contradictory representations that audience can use to think through their identity as they have the time and resources to develop implied representations through carrie and her links to mental illness.
  • Homeland offers local representations that resonate with internal audiences.Middle east offers local representations that resonate with international audiences. middle east and us representations. this increases the diversity of representations to reach an international locations as a series.
  • this assumes the power of the audience as active agents so may underestimate the power or media conglomerate in shaping culture and identity.

The killing 

L/O - To explore the narrative, theme and characters in set peace.

who created the killing?
veena Sud 

Which two studios produced the series?
Fox Television studios and fuse entertainment

which danish channel is the killing on?

how many danish viewers did the series get?
it began its 20 episode run with 472,000 viewers and had increased to nearly 600,000 at the end of the series.

the killing: Narrative 
LF TV Dramas often have a complex narrative structure: a main narrative arc that spans the whole series (continues from episode to episode) and a number of minor narratives that may only last one or two episodes.
the main narrative will often have several strands which come together over the course of the series.
main narrative quest/conflict set up: how is the main narrative introduced and what sets up the initial conflict/problem that will drive the rest of the series.
enigma codes: what questions are created that the audience will want to discover the answers to and will have to keep watching to find out?
individual character narratives: (separate to main narrative) how are these set up/introduced and what are they.

oliver - her ex boyfriend 
Sarah lund - boss and is leaving her job, country - moving to Sweden with her partner. prioritises her job over her partner and son.
troels hartman - politician - has a rat/leak in his campaign - relaship with his secretary - is suggested top be a bit dodgy. corrupts polotics as theme.
perielle thies - are the parents - working class lives - but respectable and hard working.    

L/O -To explore the production, social and political contexts of set products.

  • the series was created by Soren Sveistrup and co-produced by DR (the danish broadcasting corporation) and ZDF enterprises - it was first broadcast on DR1 (the equivalent of BBC1) DR, like the BBC,have a public service remit to follow.
  • Regular audience figures in Denmark were 1.7 million, and in the UK were approx 500,000 viewers per episode.
  • season 1 won the BAFTA for bet international drama series.
  • it was so successful globally that Netflix did an american remake produced by fox 21 TV studios for the US domestic  market which  was then distributed globally.
industry context 
  • the killing is a great example of european LFTVD produced under and grown out of a strong public service remit. it  shares the conventions of the commercial form but it also concerned with the wider social, political and moral issues.
  • each 50 min episode covers 24 hours of the investigation, with the first series consisting of 20 episodes it shows the economic context of a small, publicity owned national broadcaster that can only finance one LFTVD per season, and this only in co-operation with other european TV producers.
  • DVD box set sales and a number of international co-producers(the BBC being one) and distribution agreements have aided the success of danish dramas.
  • By 2013, danish drama had become very popular as content on multi-platforms online media like Netflix - recognition of its quality and significance.

genre - nordic noir 

  • Nordic noir is an umbrella term to describe scandinavian crime fiction, a genre that has become very popular.
  • It is a hybrid police procedural drama with elements of family drama and melodrama. this mix was intended to attract both male and female audiences.
  • The term defines the stylistic and narrative elements that the genre employed.
  • The killing has a visual style that relies on open, forlorn spaces where it is often cloudy or rainy, and interior shots with muted lighting and monochrome colour design, creating a distaff look.
  • low key muted lighting - internal - invistigatedin a building
  • use of touches
  • rain in opening outdoor scene reflect dark reality muted skies
  • est shot - bleak, grey skye, brown fields, tress, open spaces, bleak muted lighting.

Nordic Noir - conventions
  • Partly because of its PSB remit, Danish TV drama consciously incorporates into its storytelling a cause and effect narrative, covering crime and broader sociopolitical contexts in this case.
  • the series is noted for its plot twists and dark tone and for giving equal emphasis to the stories of the victims family and effect in political circles of the murder and police investigation.
  • This linking of compelling storytelling to revalent discorages in society is described as double storytelling. it layers a text with meaning about danish society, and also primes the show to appeal to International markets.
multiculturalism, class, family 
racism - linked to white - working class, immature, uneducated,males, suspicious, questionable morals.
class - home - lack of funds - upkeep, maintain.
family - fun, love, prioritise family.

genre theory - Neale 
  • Genre theory is about what genres are, and about how and why they were created, change endure or decline.
  • Neale agures that genre is a process by which generic codes and conventions are shared by producers and audiences through repetition in media products.
  • This means that genre are not fixed, but it constantly envolve with each new addition to the generic corpus (the body of products in a genre), often playing with genre codes and conventions or becoming hybrids with other genres.
  • Generic codes and conventions are not just established in media products but in products that refer to these product such as critical writing or advertising and marketing material, what Neale referred to as the intertextual relay.
  • Draws attention to the process of different within repetion and hybridity ( mixing of genres) The kiling is a crime drama, thriller with elements of social realism.
  • Audience expectations are that of twisting and enigmatic narratives that have been developed. this is evidenced in the killing with 3 narrative strands.
  • many LFTVD have the resources to real on high production values, star system, rather than genre to market themselves, e.g. homeland. the killing dos not do this.
  • This means that genre are not fixed, but constantly envolve with each new addition to the generic corpus ( the body of products in a genre),  often playing with genre codes and conventions or becoming hybrids with other genres.
The killing - context
  • The kiling is set in the danish capital Copenhagen.
  • Copenhagen is the cultural and political centre of the country and the series is the product of the danish public broadcasting network DR (their vision of the BBC), which dominates Danish programming.
  • Danish society is renewed for being a rational and civilised society. the murder of Nana Brick Larsen is framed as a shocking anomaly to this.

Social - context 
  • Crime is one of a number of indicators of social decay or at best, decline.
  • In forbrydelsen, the impact on Denmark of recent financial crisis was raging as the writer/director scripted the programe, a stressed social context in which, as he perceived it, people reacted by looking at number one.
  • When it opens as sveisrupt put it Sarah Lund is actually doing pretty well not caring about the crisis and instead trying to make a life for herself. but we can see how this creates a conflict between her public and private lives.
  • Family issues: Even though she begins as a women who plans to move to Sweden with her fiance and son, she is emotionally and professionally committed to this case, cannot abandon it to her colleague jan Meyer, and this brings personal sacrifice, which we see when bengt, her fiance, finally leaves without her. 

The killing characters - Sarah
L/O - To explore the narrative and characterisation in set products.

The costume that she is wearing shows that she is a detective of some sort because it is a simple and practical and  she has big waterproof which is long so that it keeps all her body dry, the seeing is dark and gloomy and outside she doesn't care what she looks could surgests something is happening and that she is worried about something that might be because the weather is representing her mood as sad and worried. nordic noir because of the open, she has a map in a plastic wallet, she is sensible because she is not letting the it get wet.

our protagonist, Sarah lund smiles warmly as seen in a close up shot when reassured that everything about the move will be ok, but we can see in the mise of scene of her facial expression her relief the fear and vunverbility that she caries with her; her anxiety and tension, the complexity and disarray of her domestic circumstances.

the saga starts off as detective chief inspector Sarah lund in preparing to withdraw from the copenhagen police force transfer to Sweden to be with her fiance. that soon changes through after the discovery of a raped and murdered body of a nineteen year old girl.

 represented as a mother- close up on her face, when she is looking lovingly towards her sleeping son. over the shoulder shot of the bedroom.

represented as a partner - long short of embank, mise en scene - costume choice to reveal a shot of her in her underwear, relaxed in her home, sexual comfortable.

van zoned: feminist theory
  • Ideas of felinity and masculine are constructed in our perfomance of these roles.
  • Women are objectified in media representations.
  • Gender is what we do rather then who we are and changes meaning depending on cultural and historical contexts.
  • The concept of partriachy may be applied to the ownership and contro; of television, the recruitment and ethos of television professionals and the representation of gender.

representation theory: butler; gender performativity.
  • gender is created in how we perform our gender roles -  there is no essential gender identity behind these roles, it is created in the performance. performativity is not a singular act but a repetition and a ritual that becomes naturalised within the body.
  • any feminism concerned only with masculinity and felinity excludes other forms of gender and sexually. this creates gender trouble for those do not fit i the heterosexual norms.
  • butler is an important postomoden writer and has influenced queer theory - theory which deconstructs and aims to destabilise apparently fixed identities based on gender and sexualities.

how is she represented?
leader - dialogue, questions 
 brave lighting torch, close up of evidence
fearless -  close up of blood - face is not faced 
focused - overhead shot - crime scene 
 fun/laded back - close up sighs and her face - party 
strong - follows evidence alone, sound 
calculated - 
 dedicated - 
 respected - dialogue - speech mise en scene party respected by men 

what happens in the scene?
she goes to a crime scene but its a fake with a blow up doel and they have a party for her.

Sarah is represented as respected by many of those she works with including the males of the work place is it shown that she is respected because they throw her a party, it is being shown by a close up of the blow up dowl, with a letter written thanking her for her services, because she is leaving and they take the time to plan the fake crime scene for the start of the party. However carrie is not respected by those of who she works with even by some of the females that she works with but especially not by the men that she works with and it is shown that when she is late and calls her out and embarrasses her infront of a whole class full of people which shows she is not respected by the men she works with.
they are both represented as fearless because Sarah goes into a crime scene by herself with just a torch in the pitch black not knowing what could happen to her she  also is not scared by the blood that is on the floor it is shown by a closeup of her putting her fingers in the blood and a closeup of her unbothered face, she also goes in there blind not knowing what could had happened in there, carrie is also represented as fearless because she stands up to what she thinks is write and does not seem phased by what could happen to her or her job. 


L/O - To explore the social issues represented by specifically gender.

Explain the different connotations of how the two protagonists are portrayed through their costume, hair and makeup.

The difference between the two protagonist is that what they are wearing one is very put together probably cares what she looks like in her job and wants to look the part, but Sarah is focused on more than her appearance and is focused on what she is doing. carrie care what other thinks and wants to gain respect, but Sarah doesn't need to gain respect because she is already respected by her colleagues, she is also confident in herself and her abilities.  both have minimal makeup on and carrie has her hair dyed and blow dried, Sarah has minimal makeup, her hair has no styling, her outfit is pratical, surgests she is job focused instead of focusing on her appearance.

Denmark and Sweden
Kalmar War, (1611–13), the war between Denmark and Sweden for control of the northern Norwegian coast and hinterland, which resulted in Sweden's acceptance of Denmark-Norway's sovereignty over the area.
These two countries have a very long history of interaction. The inhabitants of each speak related North Germanic languages, which have a degree of mutual intelligibility. Both countries formed part of the Kalmar Union between 1397 and 1523, but there exists an inherited cultural competition between Sweden and Denmark.
In 1521, Sweden left the union leaving Denmark-Norway, which existed until 1814 when Norway become an independent nation. Sweden-Finland existed from 1100s to 1809 when Finland became a part of Russia until 1917.

How does the dialogue and mise-en-scene choices reflect the relationship between Denmark and Sweden.
Props - the viking hats, long blonde hair, sterotypical viking image.
In the hands of the enemy refers to police force- historical war rivalry.
If decomposed herring and light beer are your thing - friendly invalvry.
Props - of the gift of skies - cultural focus for Sweden.
Colour of flags difference reflects differences in colour.

Reflecting social attitudes 
Denmark has always been seen as intertextually progressive in terms of gender equality.
In 2007, they were ranked 8th in the world for this, Sweden was 1st.
In 2020, they rank 14th in the world,Sweden is 4th.
In 2011 the united states was ranked in 17th place
In 2020 the united states is ranked in 53rd place.

Treated in the work place 

  • She is disrespected, shown by when she is late and embarrass her infront of everybody.
  • context: reflects USA viewpoints that gender is not equal and women are inferior.
  • when she says something about the man being refused that he could be a problem, the man who is leading the meeting undermines her and looks past her opinion.

  • She is respected, shown by asserts her position to continue the search to the water. 
  • context: gender should be equal reflected in her role.
  • when her team through her a party this shows respect to her because they took time and effort to set it all up and surprise her with a leaving party.

Gender issue in the killing 

Forbrydelsen questions many traditional female characteristics with its lead Sarah lund. society has changed and there is no longer the demand or desire for depictions of domesticated women.
there is more desire for a carre driven women who struggle with the traditional demands expected of them. characters, like lund, became more layered and complex and they resist any attempts to shoe box their roles.
Forbrydelsen channelise travail gender roles by depicting the parenting skills of a women driven by her professional code. Sarah lund is motivated by a juxtaposition of male and female traits.

Van Zoonen:
Gender roles change performance.
Historical cultural context.
In media representations females are often objectified.

Gauntlet: Identity
The media have a complex relationship with identities.
Different messages about identity in the media - aired more then the post. pick from our identity.

Sarah - career focused, not just a mother, be both mother and 

Sahara - is respected, reflect cultural context.

L/O - To explore the social issues represented, specifically gender.

van zoonen
  • Believes in the media portrayal images of stereotypical women and this behaviour renforces social views.
  • Objectified 
  • Stereotypes - performance of gender roles 

Many media messages about identity

What representations of gender do we find in the killing?
  • Sahara is strong and hard working but prioritises her work over her family, she is not sexualised.
  • Opposite - peniele - family central to her life,managed, responsible, but family comes first.
  • divorce previously. different class working class and middle class.
  • meyel - male - smokes a lot. he is stereotypical not represented as a professional, unorganised - gun poster,basketbal net.
  • theis - family focused,calm, identified, responsible, us mayor conpt.
stereotypes tries to fix representations.
through stereotyping and ideology those in power fix the meaning of representation to a
preferences reading that surgests there is only one true meaning.
meaning is created by a representation but it is what is present and also absent and different that create the representation.

what social issues does the killing reflect in in reflect in relating to its lead protagonist
career focused women 
split family situation
gender equality.
lack of gender equality in the USA 
sexualised female 
mental health issues

How are the lead protagonists in homeland and the killing used to reflect societal issues?
In homeland the main protagonist in homeland is used to reflect societal issues are that in the USA there is a lack of gender equality in the work place, this is shown in homeland by when the protagonist is late and the man that is in charge calls her out and embarres her for being late in front of everyone else in the room, this shows a lack of gender equality in the USA because as a women she is not respected and when she tries and shows that there could be something wrong he undermines her and takes no notice that she could be right about him and what he could do. She is also sexualised in homeland by the clothing that she wears and what she does,and is shown as a sterotypical women because she is emotional because of her mental health which makes her irrational and makes her look like a stereotypical emotional women. the theory that relates to the main protagonist in homeland is van zoonen because she believe in the media portral of women and that it renforces social views, this goes with carrie because she is represented as a stereotypical women is dependent on their cultural context. We can see that she renforces social views of women as flawed in America.
However in the killing the main protagonist is represented as strong and is equal to her colleagues who are men. she is also shown as very career focused which leads to her not being with her family as much as she should. She is also respected by her collogues and shown respect when in homeland it is the opposite.  Van zoonen theory is applied to Sarah in several ways, firstly she is seen to perform the role of a female as competent and efficient whilst being respected. This reveals the cultural context of Denmark as VanZoonen stated, as women are respected and succesful which reinforces Denmarks position as 4th in gender equality. 

L/O - To analyse a variety of scenes using accurate terminology.

scene one -  Sarah meets Jan Meyer.
  • Sarah - hectic packing,upbeat. 
  • professional when Meyer enters, chat about the move.
  • close up/over the shoulder shot of her son.
  • same shot edited together of jans guns picture.
  • opposite of gender roles - Sarah as carrying family. jan - is violence.
  • opposite jan smoking - Sarah - smoking.
  • jan is represented as childish as the props are a toy police car and a kids basketball hoop.
  • diegetic sound of the radio - signifies a lack of respect of Sarah has to say.

structuralism - levi-straus
structuralism is the study of the hidden rules that goven a structure.
levi-strauss thought that the human mind could be investigated by studying the fundamental structure underlying myths and fables from around the world. he developed the idea of the binary opposition - that the system of myths and fables was ruled by a structure of opposing terms.
many writers have analysed media productes using the idea of binary opposition, but seeing the overall system as ideology than human consciousness.

We see Sahara out investigating.
  • diegetic sound - dialogue Sarah shuts down meyers personal attack on her carrer move to Sweden, she directs back to the investigation.
  • Sarah shows professionalism she remains calm and incontroll - dialogue agrees to investigate further.
  • respectful asks questions - she is in control of the scene

semiology - Barthes
Non diegetic sound - professional. highlights her thought process focus on the investigation.

semiology is the study of signs consist of a signifier( a word, an image, a sound, and so on) and its meaning - the signified.
the denotation of a sighs is its literal meaning (the word dog denoted a mamal that barks)
denotations signify connotations - the associations of denotation. ( dogness - the thoughts and feeling associated with dogs.)
denotations and connotations are organised into myths - the ideological meaning these make ideology seem natural. for example, a bulldog might activate a myth of britishness.

Introduction to larsen family
  • They are a loving family, friendly, fun
  • Close up of theis/ pernille - end.
  • Non diegetic sound emphasises the upbeat nature in flooding of the kitchen.
  • Economic tight , they used duct tape to try and fix the dishwasher. new to repairs - context reflect 2007.
  •  Theis masculine - fixes/ tries to fix it , gender stereotype.
  • Mice en scene - costume 
  • Family- importance of family-happy.

Feminist theory - Bell hooks - pernille
intersexuality - gender,class,race,sexuality.
pernille - female, working class - dependent on theis, works for theis, house wife.
Sarah/carrie - inderpendent, work for men but are higher up not a housewife, carre driven.
intersectionality refers to the coming together of gender, race, class and sexuality to create white supremacist capital patriarchy which dominates media representations 
women should develop an oppositional gaze that refuses to idententity with characters that reinforce partriachal ideology and politices the case.


L/O - To analyse key areas of the set products

Viewpoints - opinion 

Ideologies - antitudes and beliefs which an individual, group or society holds to be true or important.

  • Detective
  • independant
  • she dedicates more time to her work over her family 

Troells Hartmann
  • candidate for mayor 
  • dead wife 
  • sleeping with his secretary 
  • cares the public 
  • wants to improve the school
  • recognition - mayor actions 

Birk Larsens
  • 3 children 
  • family business
  • working class 
  • missing daughter 

They are all involved in the missing case of the girl as the episode goes on, as Sarah is the detective on the case and is looking for nana who has gone missing, the larsons are involved as well because it is there daughter who has gone missing and are trying to figure out where she has gone, troells hartman is also involved because they found nana in his car dead in a river floated.

  • Narratology is the study of narrative, in this case, of narrative structure - how the part fit together to make a whole.
  • All narratives can be see as a move from one state of equilibrium to another, new equilibrium. the disruption to the equilibrium is what drives the narrative towards a new equilibrium.
  • The movement from the initial equilibrium to the new equilibrium entails a transformation expresses what the narrative values.
Individualism: the habitat or principle of being indecent and self-reliant.
consumerism: the preoccupation of society with the acquisition of consumer goods.
patriarchy: a system of society or govement in which men hold power.
ethnocentrism : believe that you own culture is normal and natural and that other cultures are inferior and strange.

how partricharchy is represented in the killing?
Partricharchy is represented in the killing by the campaign for the mayor position because the candidates are male and the curent mayor was a male. It is shown in the scene in the church when the old mayor is talking to the other candidate, It is also shown on the campaign posters .This creates an ideology that men rule over society reinforcing partriachle values. 

Ethnocentrism in Episode 1 of The Killing

Vagn-Vagn makes a racist comment to a man from Pakistan, treating him as inferior.
Police Department- The Danish police department jokingly refer to Sweden as below them, they joke about their inferiority and how much of a downgrade it is going to be for Sarah to move there during her leaving party scene. They make fun of the Swedish culture such as with the skis and the helmets. They say to her: 'If decomposed herring and light beer are your thing, then you're welcome to it.' As they use the two  insults, it shows their discrimination.

Consumerism: The Killing
Theis goes home to help with the dishwasher and is insistent on using duct tape and family friends to fix it rather than Pernielle's viewpoint that they should get it fixed properly by a plumber. We later find out through an establishing shot of a grand house followed by dialogue that Theis saves money in order to buy big house that he does not need. The grandness of the house supports the consumerist ideology.

Also, Troels Hartmann's Campaign Officer likes his new shoes and within dialogue describes at length the individual features of the shoes.

How is individualism presented in The Killing: 

The way Sarah brushes off Mayer whenever he presents Sarah with an idea to do with the investigation shows individualism in the killing, we also see that she comes up with her own ideas/solutions to solve the investigation. We see this specifically in the scene where Sarah and mayer are standing in the middle of a field, we are given a close up shot of Sarah with Mayer looking over her shoulder and almost feeding her ideas on how to go about his investigation but she ignores him and walks off the screen. We later see that this is the right thing to do and that she was right to do her own thing which therefore shows individualism in The Killing. 


The black atlantic is a transatlantic culture that issimutaneosly african, america, caribbean and british.
Britain has failed to mourn its loss of empire, creating post colonial melancholia, leading to a version of british colonial history that criminalises immigrants.
Representations support a belief in they inherent superiority of whit westen civilisation.

Gilroy draws attention to the continuing role of colonial ideology- of the superiority of white westen culture - across a range of representations.

She doesn't use her sexuality to get what she ants because she has confidence in her intuition and ability.
when she says to her team go check by the river, shown in the camera work when the camera tracks the boys going past on there bike with fishing rods towards the river, mise en scene is used by the change non diegetic sound  in the music to signify her thought process.

Her female sexuality is not focused on.
When she is looking for nana she is in appropriate clothing for what she is doing, shown through the mise en scene of what she is wearing by a full body shot. she is wearing jeans, walking boots and a coat with her hair done up in  a pony tail and no makeup.

She is presented as a maternal figure
When she found out that it is pernille daughter is missing she feels some sort of responsibility as a mother to find the missing daughter.

As lund in involved in a murder investigation, her professional life takes precedence.
Tells her boyfriend over the phone to catch a flight without her. shown through the dialogue over the phone with a close up of her then putting the phone down. 

victim - nana,  young women 
politicians - powerful men 
police - male, negatively represented 
swedish nationality - going against danish
family unit - stereotypically family shown through the larsons
racism - 

the media influences people directly
the media can influence directly or indirectly through related platforms such as social media so we can become influenced by the media without being exposed to them.
it applies because the stereotypes can be influenced

realism - real life representation
how is realism constructed in the killing?
events: nana running away
penneile gets sister to watch the kids 
student debate at school 

characters - theis responsibility-family, provider 
jon realistic  complains

ideology - ideals/ideas - consumerism - dishwasher, big house 

 narrative - Sarah moving away 

postmodernism is the idea that society has moved modernism  -  either modernism in art and culture or modernism in the sense of a belief in progress, which dates back further.
baudrillard argued that, as moden societies were organised around production of goods, postmoden society is organised around simulation the play of images and signs
previously important social distinctions suffer implosion as differences of gender, class, politics and culture dissolve in a world of simulation in which individuals construct their identities.
the new world of hyperperality media simulations, for example, disneyland and amusement parks, malls and consumer fantasy lands - is more real than the real, and controls how we think and behave.

Is the idea that society has moved beyond modernism - when they are talking directly to the camera.

we used to have in the media where the location would be real but they aren't as real as they were.
simulacra is an artificial copy.
Simulacra become hard to tell apart from reality = hypereality 

police station is a studio 
between the real shots and the studio shots 

L/O - To plan and write an effective comparative essay.

audience theory: Jenkins: fandom takes notes
applies to the range and diversity if representations offered by LFTVD to textual poachers who wish to use these products to create their own culture fan sites.
many LLTVD achieve cult status adding to their values fro fans.
this optimistic view of the power of audiences, underestimates the power of the oligarchy of media conglomerates in shaping and controlling the media produced.

Participatory culture is the idear that the development of new media allows the audience to be active and creative participants rather than simply passive consumers.
audience members become textual poachers taking aspects from media text to create their own content.
Convergence culture - media is shared, adapted, and consumed constantly on a range of different platforms.
Spreadable media - content that is adapted by audience members for their own purpose and shared with others. 

Audience theory: shirky : end of an audience

Draws attention to the way that LFTVD can provide value to each other by using websites to offer comments, parodies, merchandise
does not apply to broadcast tv
streaming series do not reflect the view of the online media proposed by shirky in so far as primarily operate like the old media offering centrally produced content 
this optimistic view of the power of audiences, underestimates the power of the oligarchy of media conglomerates in shaping and controlling the media produced.

technological developments have changed the relationship between media producers and audiences.
in the past media producers crated content fro audiences, new content can be created by audiences.
prosumers have different motivations to prophetical media producers.
this can create cognitive surplus, where potentially large number of people give their time and expertise to create something eg wikipedia.
audiences can no longer be seen as a single mass people. audiences engage differently with media products across different platfroms, with some audiences members now creating or adapting media products themselves.

Question 3 
How far = judgment must be made 
Context influence needs to be explored, all of them: historical, political,economic social, cultural.
Analysis of the text and theory applied.
Refer to all the theoretical framework, media language, audience, representation, industry
30 marks - 50-55 minites.

Q3 plan 
intro - some groups are different and some are the same 
from looking at the killing - DR on a low budget - PSB Denmark- success on BBC
Diffentnt to homeland - big bugtet, stars , onlacation filming, showtime big studios/production.
succes lots of viewers USA  

In homeland and killing, most of the groups are presented differently and some are presented as the same. From watching homeland, which is a high budget film, with one set filming and famous and recognisable actors, in homeland there are different representations of social groups, which compared to the killing, it is a low budget film, it was produced with DR, but has been successful as it has been shown on the BBC. The different social groups could be different because of the different countries and religion which is represented in the killung and in homeland.

gender is represented as very different between the killing and in homeland, in homeland carrie is not respected and has some power but not much compared to the men that she works with, this reflects the USA and there stance with gender equality were men have much more power in positions compared to women, this is shown where she tries to show evedence but gets pushed down. this represents what van zoonen says about how men are in charge and have more power and women are in lower roles.

however in the killing Sarah is powerfull and respected by her male co-workers she  is trust worthy and confident and her voice doesn't get shut down, gender equality is much more of a priority in Denmark. her confidence is shown when she asserts her authority is the forrest when she says to search the forest again.

    L/O - To explore industry theories within LFTVD

representation theory: Q4 
10 marks. 17 mins to plan and to write 
evaluate an academic theory in relation to the killing and homeland 
you do not need to know each theory in major detail, just to explain how useful it is to understand the killing.

P1 define the theory - briefly explain key aspects of theory.
p2 why is useful/relevant - what does it help us to understand?link to set product.
P3 second reason why its helpful/ relevant exemplify this by linking to set product.
P4 third reason why its useful/relevant exemplify this by linking to set product.
P5 state any possible limitations of the theory - interrogate weaknesses of the theory.
P6 briefly conclude - evaluate overall usefulness of theory

5 steps, equilibrium

Equilibrium - carrie at work

Disruption - brody comes home - nana missing 

Regencies -  

L/O - To plan and write efective comparative essay

AO1 Contexts 
AO2 theoretical framework 

Conventions, Viewpoints and Ideology

Homeland Conventions 

Spy triller featuring CIA 
america based, well known agency
secrecy in brody narrative, lies in his interrogation shown through the media language editing use of flashbacks.

ideologies - suspicious due to 9/11 as they were unaware it was going to happen and the people who did it were living in america before hand( hidden energy) links to the fear within society based on the cold war ideas in the 1960s.

Ideologies: fear of terrorism and need to fight it. carries desperation to save the USA and protect it from it from brody. hidden treat.
bagdad scene close up shots of carrie to show her desperation of the need to protect the country from terorist. link to social context fears in society. link to historical context 9/11, political context wars on the political agender can be seen to influence reflects that sense.

In long form TV drama such as homeland we can see that the dominant conversions of america are always incorporated.

the conventions in homeland within reflects an american well known agency which it reflects with it being a spy triller. carrie works within the CIA where she vistis another country to go to a prison in bagdad to try and bribe a man to give him information.

Question 4 

carrie and Sarah is represented in one good way and then one bad way

November PPE 

Level 3 - comprehensive 
               detail - accurate, useful + limits 
               structured = applied to TV drama -both 

Level 2 - adequate 
               generally accurate 

minimal - level 1 

Butler states that gender is created in responce to our perfomance of gender roles,  perfomativity of these roles causes gender trouble for those that do not the heterosexual norms. Butler argues that the binary systems  alienate those who do not fit to masculinity and Femininity. 

This use of gender performance can be seen Carrie- she challenges typical feminine roles as she is rebellious, stand up to authority figure who are male. She rejects expectations of marriage and children.

Revision PPE Exams Homeland/Killing 

The contexual historical issues that are shown in the killing are the economic recession of 2007/8 this shown through the lower class situation of thies pernille (burk larsons). This can be showns through media language of mis en scene of the house as they live in a little house with a broken dishwasher which is leaking on the floor and almost floods on the kitcken, it also shown as a very homely home from the soft light and the pictures around the house of a happy family, even with the broken dishwasher and money issues they are still happy and make the most out of things and shown to have a good time even when things are broken such as when  the dishwasher is broken and there is water all over the floor they still have fun and make a laugh about it. this shows that they have hope and better plans for a future as they are planning to move into a bigger house. the theory that can go with it is barthes simnology shown through the close up of the pictures of their family and that they are happy. which could show barthes theory even more with the myth of the more mouney you have the happier you will be but in the killing the oppersite is shows as they roll around in the water on the kitchen floor when the dishwasher broke. 

The contexual hisstoricals issues in homeland is the fear that they have from the 9/11 which has increased fear over people of the fear of teerosim and fear of the secret invasion of the country. this is the complete opopsite of the happy family in denmark but in america they have the constant fear of something happening again like 9/11. We see this is Carries' apartment with her walls litteted with evidence of terrorists tracking them nd linking to potential risks. This use of the mise en scene in the apartment epmphasise the fear within carries has an evdence baord on her wall and that she is spying on the guy who just came back from being kidnapped and carries thinks that he is a spy planning something.

L/O: To revise key areas of the set texts.

Jess and Mike affair - mike is brodys best freind 

Carries mental health - she has bipolar and has to take pills everyday to help but it stills messes up wither her life and her work.

Dana and chris kids - rebelious narative, stereotype

Jess and Brody - relatioship breakdown - keeping secrets, uncounfotable


Brody - returning hero/terorist- family man, soldier, white, middle class, heterosexual.
Mike - Best freind of brody/ love interest of jess, traditinal representional representation, beer/football games, helped jess around the house.
Jess - brodys wife/mikes love interest, mum, housewife, atractive, sexual object.

stages in narative

Eguiibrium - working at the CIA no treat to security - power with the east as US dont suspect. Carrie - is unstable, not a trustwothy character.
Distrubution - Brodys releale/ discover initiates the suspicion in Carrie. Postitions carrie as superior as she is the only one who suspects and is aware of the threat.

The Killing 
Triller- the genre is created throught the lighting and the mise en scene - dark lighting 


equalibrium - she has afamily movig to sweden 

disruption - missing girl

Regonition - relaizing that she is possibly missing/discovery of the body and that she is not prototute.

Atempt to resolve - 

New equalibrium

sarah is treated with respect, carrie is not and not listened to 

Exam practise 


content of production + consumption
- homeland - hesmenhalg
- the killing - hesmenhalg

Conventions incorporated 
 homeland Neale genre todovov
 the killing Neale genre todovov

Viewpoint + ideologies - homeland and the killing 
homeland - western superoity - gilory    context
The killing - gender equality - butler       context

How far long form TV dramas incorporate the dominant conventions viewpoints and ideologies the contries in which they are produced?

Long form TV drama incorporates the dominant conventions viewpoints and ideologies in the countries thet are proceed in by showing their viewpoints. home land is made by a big corporation showtime which is a big budget cable channel and has been put on Netflix, and it was filmed on location around the the world, whereas the killing is a much more low bugtet film where they 


L/O - To revise key representations of the set texts.

Carie - MC, Female, mental health issues, sussusicius, untrustworthy, unreliable, determined

Brody- patriotism, quiet, deceptive, untrustworthy.

Intro Do reflect audience beliefs 

codes and conventions - typical elements of the genre.

Reflects - attudes/beliefs of audiences.

america men in charge - gender equality - capitalists 

L/O - To revise key contextual issues of the set texts 

social contexts 

gender equality ranked low van zoonen
difference between the classes in baghdad and in america levi strass
Age - younger - not trusted 

the killing 

gender equality ranked low 
class equality
racial inequality
Age  - rebellious - partying - deceiving parents 

cultural contexts 
shared beliefs  valuers - behaviours of that culture, such as the hanging in baghdad in homeland for a death penalty, in america they do have the death penalty but they dont do it by hanging.


that the men are protecting the state from, old fassion fight for the country

the kiling 

in the shop someone is being racist and somelse stops it this shows that the culture in denmark are very aceepeting and dont like rudeness.

Historical contexts 

9/11 - fear of terrorism, war on terror is referenced 

economic contexts

PSB big companies funded them higher budget filming on location such as in baghdad - big actors 

The killing 

DR1 small companies low budget shot in the same location as no many for traverling - small actors 

Political context

The killing 

corrupt and bribery 

The difference in codes and conventions of long form tv dramas reflect the different values, attitudes and beliefs of the audiences that consume them. How far do you agree with this statement.

different values - 

econominc the difference between the two shows with the bigger actors i homeland and the bigger budget.

carris is flwaerd and disrespected by her male peirs 

breaking the codes and conventions of having carris as the main character but also shows her as flowered by her with mental health


  1. 10/1- good work here, no problem on the time, go back and add some punctuation so that it is clear. Finish off the section on what the editing reveals about representation, context and gender roles? T: 4. Link this to theory (who applies here)

  2. 31/1- Go onto my blog, screen shot the image of the theory table and upload to your blog please. This will show what you are missing and what you need to complete by the 20th Feb.

  3. 28/2- Excellent notes and work Amber really well done.

  4. 7/3- Great start to your comparison here, good work. T: try to link in media language analysis points to add analysis to your description of the scenes.

  5. 21/3- Good knowledge of the text. T:3 try to explore the theory further by going back to your notes and checking they key points that Van Zoonen states. It would also be helpful if you could use a little more media language terminology in your analysis rather than describing.

  6. 25/4- Absent from the lesson, please read through the lesson notes and complete the questions for each scene.

  7. 16/5- Excellent notes from the lesson discussions and understanding of theory.

  8. 6/6- Good structured plan. T: you need to attempt the question, intro and paragraphs on gender.


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